International Relation, Coercion, Deterrence and Diplomacy


Security Dilemma: US National Defense Strategy and Japan’s Defense Posture in the Shadow of China

by: Khair, Rayhan

This Essay explores the concept of the security dilemma and its implications for current US strategy in East Asia, drawing upon the foundational theories presented in the works of Jervis. The security dilemma, where one nation’s defense efforts alarm the other, is starkly evident between the US and East Asia, driving a cycle of military build-ups. Grasping this tension is critical for today’s strategists to navigate the delicate balance between deterrence and diplomacy to prevent regional conflict escalation.

information strategy

The Dual Edges of Information Environments in Strategic Competition

by: Khair, Rayhan

In the modern information age, the distinction between open and restricted environments significantly impacts strategic competition and operational dynamics, particularly in Operations in Information Environment (OIE). Unquestionably, democratic societies, characterized by their open information landscapes, enjoy many benefits but face the unique challenge of disinformation due to the unrestricted information environment. On the other hand, authoritarian regimes circumvent and stifle innovation with their restrictive information paradigms but at the expense of strategic agility and public trust.